Worship Service Sundays 9:00am
Building B Sanctuary

Easter Lilies
Thank you to all who provided Easter Lilies to adorn our chancel for our Easter celebration.
Marian See - in memory of parents
Dale Krogstad – in honor of Myrtle & Chester Krogstad
Kay & Dale Krogstad – in memory of Cornelius & Clarice Nordaune
Purita Euker – in memory of George Eucker, Matthew, Lara, parents, brother, sister
John & Charla Seitz – in memory of parents
Keith & Diane LeFevre – in memory of Daniel Schettko (brother)
Jim Capelli – in memory of ‘my bride’ Cris
Carol & Dave Moonan - in memory of our parents
Erma Anderson - in honor of the Anderson family
Ann Bruce - in memory of Bill & Ruth Woodson
Sandra Gabel – in memory of my husband, John and son-in-law Tony
Magan Ratalsky
Elaine & Rich Carlson – in memory of our parents & Crissy
Sharoll Blodgett – in memory of parents, John (husband), Larry, Paul (brothers-in-law)
Rae Valabek – in memory of Mike Valabek (husband) and Margaret Strickler (mother)