Worship Service Sundays 9:00am
Building B Sanctuary
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
Envelopes for 2025

It is time to order offering envelopes for 2025. If you currently use envelopes and want to continue, you do not have to do anything. If you would like to stop your envelopes or if you would like to have envelopes to use, please see Ann Bruce or Sharoll Blodgett or email the church office at finance@christgoodyear.org.We would like to be able to place our order by November 15th, so please let us know before then.
Donate while you Shop
Create a digital account and link your Fry's card to CELC at www.frysfood.com.
Fry's annually donates a portion of purchase prices to the organization.
Organization Name:
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Organization Number: MW462