Worship Service Sundays 9:00am
Building B Sanctuary
Outreach Needs
Volunteers Needed!!!
Many regular volunteers have left for the summer and some extra hands can be used.
Outreach is looking for Volunteers to assist in a variety of areas to include:
Runners to pick up food items from Basha's and Panera on Sundays and Tuesdays and drop off at CELC.
Ride along in van on Tuesday mornings to St Mary's Food Bank 7:15am to 9:00am.
Every Monday assist with unloading food from St Mary's food bank and assist with prep for Tuesday, 8:00am to 10:00am.
Tuesday mornings assist with filling food boxes and distribution 9:30am to 11:30am.
Please contact Su Erickson for more information on Outreach program at outreach@christgoodyear.org
Donations accepted Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Mornings - 8:00-10:00am
Food Pantry items (below)
Outreach Boutique - All proceeds from Boutique sales are used to purchase food, supplies, and gas for the van (used to pick up food from St. Mary's food bank).
Or by appointment (contact church office)
Food Needs
Bottled Water
Canned vegetables/beans
Canned fruits
Canned soup
Canned chicken or tuna
Boxed mac and cheese
Dry pinto beans
Peanut butter
Tomato or spaghetti sauce
Personal Hygiene Products Needed
The first Tuesday of every month we are offering our clients personal hygiene products as we have them available. Our supply is limited and we need donations of incontinence products (all sizes), feminine products, bed pads, and wipes.
Men's Underwear!!!
Plastic shopping bags (especially the heavy duty ones with handles grocery stores like Fry's use for "pick-up")
Large Brown Paper Grocery bags
Heavy Duty Paper Plates (for I-HELP meals)
Other Needs (Outreach Store and I-Help)
Soap/Shampoo (individual size)
Men and Women's socks
Men and Women's undergarments
I-Help Meals
We are grateful for our volunteers who provide food for 12 people in the program
Thanks to our volunteers for September
Sept 3 - Hope Alive
Sept 10 - Sue Addy & ???
Sept 17 - Barbara Urena
Sept 24 - Cindy Dickinson
Thanks to our volunteers for October
Oct 1 - Hope Alive
Oct 8 - ???
Oct 15 - Barbara Urena
Oct 22 - ???
Oct 29 - ???
- Contact the church office if you wish to volunteer for any open dates. Also, check the "God's Work, Our Hands" board in the Building B Sanctuary to sign-up for future dates