Worship Service Sundays 9:00am
Building B Sanctuary
Holy Week Schedule
Deep gratitude to so many who made our Lenten season and Holy Week so meaningful:
To Pastor Jeff for his spiritual leadership and ever-present calls to Pause, Listen, and Be Still…to be contemplative and thoughtful.
To Miloy, CELC Music and Worship Director, for his skilled and creative presentations in the many Lenten services, the Palm Sunday Cantata and Easter music.
To the Adoration choir and its instrumental accompaniment
To the additional musicians brought to us by Miloy.
To the many worship assistants - ushers, readers, greeters, communion servers, flower arrangers, and banner changers present year round to enrich our worship experience.
To Gene Myers and his team for the festive happy Easter Breakfast. Thank you to those who provided food, assistance with setup, decorating and tear down.
To Jim Erickson and the AV/IT team for their constant high quality support.
To the many CELC members who see work to be done and always DO it!
The sheer JOY of GOD’S LOVE fills the world!

Easter Sunday, March 31

Easter Praise Service 7:00am
Easter Potluck Breakfast, 8:00am-10:00am
Between Services
Easter Potluck Breakfast, 8:00am-10:00am
Fellowship Hall Building A​
All are welcome to celebrate this Easter Season
Please join us for a potluck breakfast/brunch
If you would like to bring a dish to share please sign up in main Sanctuary.
Easter Egg Hunt - 8:45am
Playground area between Building A&B​
Easter Festival Service - 10:00am​
Choir and Brass​
Sunday School families, please bring your Lenten World Hunger collection boxes to church for special offering

Palm Sunday Service - March 24, 9:00am
Adoration Choir with guests & orchestra will present a Lenten Cantata
"Once Upon a Tree" by Pepper Choplin
The passion and intensity of Holy Week through music and words
Perfect opportunity to invite your family, neighbors and friends to our church.

Maundy Thursday - March 28, 7:00pm

Good Friday - March 29, 7:00pm