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Poinsettias for Christmas

2024 Poinsettias Donations


Thank you for your gift of a poinsettia to honor or memorialize loved ones.


Erma Anderson in memory of members of the Anderson family

Sharoll Blodgett in honor of God’s blessings on my wonderful children and grandchildren and in memory of husband John

Peggy and Darrel Bjornson in memory of Adeline and Lester Timmer, Evelyn and Alvin Bjornson and sister Barb Lincoln

John Brown in memory of John and Elsie Brown & Tom and Marian Smith  

Ann Bruce in memory of Ruth Woodson

Elaine and Richard Carlson in memory of Chrissy and our parents

Kathy and Mike Coyle in memory of Mom and Dad West and Ma and Pa Coyle

Su & Jim Erickson in memory of Keith Erickson

Sandy Gabel in memory of John Gabel

Jeaneite and Dave Lorenz in honor of Vivian, Evelyn and Harper

Cyndi Heibel in memory of Wilbert and Birdene Poppe

Randy Heibel in memory of Edmund and Loraine Heibel

Dorothy Henke in honor of the choir

Bob Muehling and Kim Sterner in memory of our loved ones and in honor to the Glory of God for the ministry of CELC

Magan Ratalsky in honor of all our military men and women

Marian See in memory of parents of Jim and Marian See

Charla and John Seitz in memory of parents

Rae Valabek in memory of husband Mike Valabek and Rae’s mother Margaret Strickler

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